Discover the Rapid Change Process that Are Your Dreams Being Held Hostage? What has been stopping you? Think of all the things you haven't done yet and ask yourself, "What has been stopping me?" I can almost guarantee you that Self-Confidence is the culprit and is stealing your greatness…
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions or if you’ve ever watched someone negotiate a successful deal, walk up to a stranger and ask for a date, start their own business, entertain or give a speech in front of a large group of people and you remember thinking, “I wish I could do that, but I’m just not that confident” then Self-doubt, fear and lack of Self-Confidence are holding you back from achieving your goals. Which brings us to... The Top 3 Reasons Why You Aren’t Ecstatically Living the Life of Your Dreams...
Over the past 25 years, I have had the opportunity to work with individuals from all walks of life. They include CEO’s of large companies, professional golfers, tennis players and Hollywood celebrities. And here’s the amazing thing - regardless of their status, how much money they earned, or how successful they were, over 95% of these people struggled with a lack of Self-Confidence in specific areas of their life and knew it was holding them back from their true greatness. In fact, feeling under-confident in specific situations is such a common problem that when I do a session with a client, regardless of what their issue is, I always include suggestions for increasing their Self-Confidence because... The Single, Most Important, Element that Separates People Who Are Successful
From Those Who Are Not is… That’s why I'm sharing my 7 Day “Rapid Change Process” with you today. Let’s look at this closer. Your current lack of self-confidence...
It doesn't have to be this way. I have helped countless people completely turn their self-confidence around. And the best part is, my system is built to bring about Rapid Change, so you gain measureable levels of self-confidence quickly.
The fact is, when you have Unstoppable Self-Confidence, your whole world will change. You will develop an internal power to control your life in every situation. When you program your Subconscious mind with an unshakable belief in yourself, nothing will be impossible. You will take immediate, massive, repeated action and never give up until you make your dreams come true. That’s exactly why I put together my Self-Confidence Creator program. The powerful truth is that you have the Self-Confidence Creator within you – I'm just going to show you how to use it. This program is unlike anything you’ve seen or experienced before. The results are so quick you won’t believe it. You will experience higher levels of Self-Confidence IMMEDIATELY. Until now, there has been NOTHING like this. The Self-Confidence Creator is TOTALLY focused on helping you increase your Self-Confidence to higher and measurable levels in just 7 days. Let’s take a look and see how it works. The "Self-Confidence Creator" Program Module
You will not only learn how to model these habits, attitudes, skills and strategies, but you will have a clear picture of how you have been unconsciously sabotaging yourself up until now. You only need to play this once, but you’ll probably want to play it a few times because you will find it inspiring, informative and highly motivational. Once your Conscious or logical mind is satisfied that you can “model” these skills and strategies, it will allow you to make the changes at the Subconscious or emotional level.
Module 2:
To change your behavior you have to change the emotion behind the behavior. That’s why the most important factor in building Self-Confidence is to gain control over your EMOTIONAL STATE. When you do this you automatically lower your level of anxiety and uncertainty and are able to feel confident in ANY situation. Each one of us has a Self-Confidence Emotional “Set-Point” that keeps us stuck where we are. If we want to change our Self-Confidence Emotional “Set Point” we also must go to the emotional or energetic level. To do this, I use a hypno-energetic process that will allow you to feel more energized, more determined, more motivated and more Self-Confident at the emotional and energetic level. I began using this process, in my practice, several years ago and it has always given my clients consistent and positive results and now you’ll experience it for yourself. In module 2, you’ll reset your Self-Confidence Emotional “Set Point” so that every limitation and every negative belief that has ever been placed on you in regards to your ability to FEEL Self-Confident is removed. All you have to do is listen to this powerful hypno-energetic audio for 10 minutes per day for 5 consecutive days and you will have it for life! You never have to do it again. It’s that powerful!
Module 3:
First, in only about 12 minutes, you will install your personalized Self-Confidence “anchor”. Then you can start using the 5 Minute “Self-Confidence Booster” audio program as often as you like, and each time you play it you will feel an immediate BOOST in your Self-Confidence level. The most powerful feature of the “Self-Confidence Booster” is that it uses the strongest emotional state for your mind to accept the programming. To achieve this, I brought in Julian Wass to create specially structured, high energy music, that is the perfect vibrational match to the emotional state of self-confidence, this specially structured music, combined with the words you are listening to, automatically installs the programming of self-confidence in your subconscious for you. I have some great news for you, if you lack Self-Confidence that’s because you’ve been telling yourself every day who and what you are. This proves that you are very good at talking to yourself, so I can use what you are already doing to turn things around for you. It’s awesome! That’s why I know the “Self-Confidence Booster” will work for you, because it uses the same repetition you have unconsciously used to create you current level of Self-Confidence. You're already using a similar emotional state when you talk to yourself. You’ve proven that it works! And the way I do it, you will finally get the results you desire. The best part is that this unique programming is completely passive. Why is it passive? Because, it actually works best when you don’t actively think about it. The whole idea is to get your Conscious mind out of the way so I can work directly with the Subconscious. All you have to do is play the “Self-Confidence Booster” for about 5 minutes and it will do all the work on a Conscious and Subconscious level. I based it on this principle…. If you think something once, it’s just a thought… If you think something many times, it becomes a habit… And if you think something habitually, it becomes the way you live. The “Self-Confidence Booster” will become your best friend. Use it anytime you feel you need a Confidence BOOST. And each time you play it, you will FEEL unstoppable.
Now you understand exactly how the Self-Confidence Creator program works. You’ve been looking for the exact way to automatically install self-confidence in your subconscious and here it is.Go Ahead, Click Below and Order... Can You Really Increase Your The answer is…of course you can! In fact, one of the mistaken beliefs we have is that “it takes a long time to change”. This belief is based on the theory that it took us a long time to develop our current beliefs and habits so it must take a long time to change them. And that is simply not true. I work with people all the time doing rapid change work and I can’t remember the last time I had to do more than one session. The reason this is possible is that your Subconscious mind doesn’t understand time. Time is a concept. We made it up. As far as your Subconscious mind is concerned, time does not exist. Everything happens NOW. Put simply, I know you can dramatically increase your Self-Confidence in 7 days or less because the processes I use will go directly into your Subconscious mind. And your Subconscious will act on them IMMEDIATELY! I Can Help You Because...
I developed this approach because I'm a realist. The key to change is a consistent and rapid repetition of thought, but I realize most people won’t listen to a 30 minute recording for 30 days in a row. Even if they are guaranteed to change their life, they just won’t do it! That’s why the Self-Confidence Creator is a rapid change process - there are no long, 30 minute recordings, you have to play for 30 days before you notice any changes. You just follow the three simple steps in Modules 1, 2 and 3 and you’ll see and feel an immediate, measurable shift in your Self-Confidence. And the best part is there is nothing to study or learn. I will install it for you! There is no question that Unstoppable Self-Confidence is the Key To a Happy, Successful Future. Having Unstoppable Self-Confidence means being powerful and in the state of mind that creates greater success in everything you do. Imagine What it Would Mean if…
When you have high levels of self-confidence will you…
You can do all this and more! In fact, I know you will see a measurable increase in your Self-Confidence level in less than 7 days and that your Self-Confidence will continue to soar until you are unstoppable!
Now That You Know What Results Are Possible With The Reality is, Your Lack of
If you think about it, you only have two choices about your future. You can continue to feel under-confident, or you can take your life to a whole new level and create UNSTOPPABLE SELF-CONFIDENCE in EVERY situation. You have nothing to lose and your greatness to gain... BUT, If you don’t take action, how can you expect your life to change? I'm delighted to share this life-changing program with you and help you live a life where Dr. Robert Anthony